Expected Vatican Ban Roils American Church
They supported it 40 years ago too. So this will just be a reaffirmation:
"(Advancement) to religious vows and ordination should be barred to those who are afflicted with evil tendencies to homosexuality or pederasty, since for them the common life and the priestly ministry would constitute serious dangers."
- Vatican document Instruction on the Careful Selection and Training of Candidates for the States of Perfection and Sacred Orders, Feb. 2, 1961.
Don't Roman Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy? What difference does it make what a person's sexual proclivities are if they take a vow to not practice them?
Is a homosexual man more likely to engage in sexual abuse than a heterosexual man? If we find that heterosexual men also engage in sexual abuse, do we ban them too?
Banning homosexuals is just picking on a group the Catholic church cares nothing about. It’s an easy target. Priests molest youth not because of homosexuality but because they are developing a sexual relationship that is on the same basic level as their own sexuality. They have an immature sexual identity and they can dominate a relationship with a immature youth. If a priest could develop a mature sexual identity by growing in a relationship with an equal none of the molestation would have occurred. Celibacy, if followed would stop molestation, but it is the fact that celibacy is imposed that limits the sexual maturation of priests. Humans crave relationships and humans are sexual creatures. If anything is unnatural in the Catholic church it is celibacy.
That man looks evil!
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